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News Title: Malaysia Urban Forum 2019 Date: 18 February 2019 Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Organiser: Ministry of Housing and Local Government & Urbanice Malaysia BIO ENECO™: Organised by Ministry of Housing and Local Government & Urbanice Malaysia, MUF 2019 was a national level forum that aimed to promote inclusive debates and discussions towards developing and improving Malaysia’s sustainable urbanization strategies, policies and programmes. The main focus of the event was to provide local stakeholders with a platform for knowledge-based building,


News Title: Annual Dinner 2019 Date: 21 January 2019 Venue: Le Méridien Hotel Organiser: BIO ENECO™ BIO ENECO™: BIO ENECO™ organised its annual dinner on 21 January 2019 at Le Méridien Hotel with the theme of Cowboy/Cowgirl. A total of 60 guests were invited to the annual dinner, and most of the guests and staff were clad in cowboy/cowgirl attire. The event commenced with the “Lou Sang” session, where all the guests and staff were standing up and using their chopsticks to toss the “Yee

企业社会责任项目 - 拜访老人院

News Title: CSR Project- Old Folks’ Home Visit Date: 12 January 2019 Venue: Kim Loo Ting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Organiser: JOCOM, JCI Achiever and BIO ENECO™ BIO ENECO™: As one of the co-organisers of the old folks’ home Pre-Chinese New Year Visit, the BIO ENECO™ team paid a visit to Kim Loo Ting Old Folks’ Home. The old folks’ home is linked to Kim Loo Ting Temple and the conditions for the old folks’ home is deplorable. Most of the residents are neglected by


News Title: Nanyang CSR Seminar- Wealth For 2019 – Science, Property, Finance & Fortune Date: 05 January 2019 Venue: Nanyang Siang Pau Auditorium, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Organiser: BMGS Co.Ltd & Nanyang Siang Pau Media: Nanyang Siang Pau 新闻链接  BIO ENECO™: Over 200 audience attending the CSR seminar co-organised by BMGS Co.Ltd and Nan Yang Siang Pao on 5 January 2019 at Nanyang Siang Pau Auditorium. The seminar was called ” Wealth For 2019 – Science, Property, Finance & Fortune”. It was about wealth generation


Event: Inaugural Town Hall Session- RE Industry With YB Madam Yeo Bee Yin, Minister of Energy, Technology, Science, Climate Change & Environment Date: 12 July 2018 Venue: Marriott Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia Organiser: Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia (SEDA) BIO ENECO™: The delegation of BIO ENECO™ was invited to attend the Inaugural Town Hall Session of the minister of Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC), YB Madam Yeo Bee Yin. It was a good avenue for the renewable energy industry to

电力能源供应业大会2018(CEPSI 2018)

Event: Conference of the Electric Power Supply Industry (CEPSI) 2018 Date: 17 September 2018 to 22 September 2018 Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Malaysia Organiser: Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) BIO ENECO™: The delegation of BIO ENECO™ was invited to the Conference of Power and Electricity Supply Industry 2018 (CEPSI 2018). The delegation of BIO ENECO™ exchanged ideas on the latest technological developments with the exhibitors and visitors from the energy utility sectors.  

马来西亚国际绿色科技环保产品展2018 (IGEM2018)

Event: International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference (IGEM) 2018 Date: 17 October 2018 to 20 October 2018 Venue: Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) ,Malaysia Organiser: MESTECC & GreenTech Malaysia BIO ENECO™: The delegation of BIO ENECO™  was invited to the International GreenTech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia for the second time. Like many visitors, BIO ENECO™ was enthused with the plethora of networking and business opportunities at the event.

ARGUS 亚洲生物质能研讨会 2018

Event: Argus Biomass Asia Date: 6 June 2018 to 7 June 2018 Venue: Singapore Organiser: Argus Event BIO ENECO™: The delegation of BIO ENECO™ participating in Argus Biomass Asia 2018 in Singapore. The conference has broaden the horizons in terms of the present and future trend of biomass.


Event: 9th Biomass Pellets Trade & Power Date: 14 May 2018 to 17 May 2018 Venue: Tokyo, Japan Organiser: Centre for Management Technology(CMT) BIO ENECO™: The delegation of BIO ENECO™ participating in 9th Biomass Pellets Trade & Power in Tokyo, Japan. Bio Eneco team has built contacts with friends and prospects from different countries.
