
Premium PKS Sponsorship for MIU

/, Events, CSR/Premium PKS Sponsorship for MIU

News Title: Premium Palm Kernel Shells Sponsorship for Manipal International University

Date: 14th January 2020

Venue: Plaza Sentral, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Organiser: Bio Eneco Sdn. Bhd.

BIO ENECO™: Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of BIO ENECO™ business framework as it works towards a sustainable and greener future. BIO ENECO™ values the importance of quality education as a cornerstone of national progression and sustainable development of a society and is committed to offering its resources to help the academicians and students for their learning.

BIO ENECO™ is pleased to sponsor its Premium Palm Kernel Shells (PKS 14) to Mr Rubanessh from Manipal International University, in support of his Final Year Project titled “The Generation of Electricity by Using Biomass Gasifier From Palm Oil Derivative”, as part of the requirement of the Degree of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Hons).

Lastly, BIO ENECO™ wishes Mr Rubanessh the best of luck in all his future endeavours.
